
HighGrain Brewing

Furlong re-purposed a police station and jail into a modern, energy-efficient, sustainable tap room and restaurant venue in Silverton. Formerly the Village of Silverton’s police station and jail, Furlong worked with the new owners to build a neighborhood gathering place, serving locally-sourced food and craft beer.

The brewery is a sustainable, eco-friendly establishment. One of its brews was created for the U.S. Green Building Council’s Sustainable Suds challenge, where the brewery planted trees to offset the carbon created from cultivating and shipping the grain used in the beer to boiling the water with its gas-fired boiler.


  • 50-seat tap room and restaurant
  • Repurposed police station
  • Geo-thermal HVAC system
  • Outdoor deck and beer garden
  • Wind-powered electricity
  • Insulation and LED lighting